Thursday, June 11, 2015

Blog for 6/8/15 (Summer Reading Project)

Stung by Bethany Wiggins
Prompt:  Draw 4 objects that represent your reading. Write a sentence for each, telling
what each item says about what you’ve been reading.

Pages Read: 0-147

          The 4 objects I picked to represent my reading are an empty plate, a wall dividing two places, a militia, and a mark drawn on a hand. I chose an empty plate because in the place the two main characters live many of the people there suffer of starvation. The two main characters are Fiona and Bowen. 17 year old Fiona has woken up from a deep sleep and has found herself 4 years in the future and doesn't remember anything. She sees that she is on the other side of the wall and she also meets a little girl named Arrin. While she is with Arrin she sees how much starvation there is. Arrin even had to eat a belt because there was nothing else to eat.

          I picked a wall dividing two places to represent my reading because where the book takes place it is divided. Stung takes part in a place that has been divided into two for a reason. That reason is an infection. There is the good part of the wall and the bad side of the wall. If you reach the qualifications you may get into the good part of the wall but if you are stung and have a mark then you won't be able to get into the good part of the wall unless you pay a lot of money.

          The 3rd object I picked was a militia. I picked a militia because there is one in the book Stung. The job of the militia in this book is to catch people with the mark and to protect themselves from the "beasts." Most of the militia is good but there is some people in the militia who only want to capture the "beasts" to sell them and pay their way into the good side of the wall. Bowen is part of the militia.

          The 4th object I picked to represent my reading is a mark. I picked a mark because once you get stung by an animal you get this mark on your wrist or arm. The more legs for mark has the worst the possibility it is for you to become a beast. The legs also measure the level you are. For example, if your mark has three legs than you are a level three. Fiona is a level ten and that is the highest which means she can turn into a beast into any moment. These are the 4 objects I picked to represent my reading.