Friday, November 7, 2014

Reflections on Poe

          Poe's life might have been the reason of why his writing is like this. Poe has suffered a lot in his life since he was small. Poe's parents died when he was at the age of 3. Poe had one sister and one brother. After his parents died, him, his brother and his sister had to get adopted. Once they did, they all got separated. These might be some of the reasons why Poe's writing might be kind of dark and has suspense in it. Most people back then didn't appreciate his kind of writing. Poe's writing creates suspense and a little bit of horror

          Poe's writing creates suspense and a lot of poets don't know how to do that. Poe is a really unique kind of poet. Each poet has their own kind of writing. Every poet has their only style of writing and their writing falls into a category... except Poe's writing. Poe was actually the poet who created the horror and suspense kind of writing, back in his time. A lot of people back then thought he had something to do with the devil because it had horror in it. Poe's writing is now really famous and known for his type of writing.

          There is a lot of similarities and differences between the 19th century and the 21st century. A difference between 19th and the 21st century is that most people were really scared of horror stuff. If you compare that to now there is a big difference. Most people nowadays don't get scared really easily. These days people like to read and watch horror things. They enjoy watching these things, but back then they thought this had to do with the devil. A lot of things have changed.

          Some similarities between the 19th century and 21st century are that people still like to write books/poetry. Back then not many people were known for their poetry. Nowadays a lot of people are known because of their style of writing. Poetry and writing was well known, back in the 19th century. It still is today, because their are a lot of authors out there that are also known because of their books. In the 19th century and in the 21st century writing/poetry is pretty well known.

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