Saturday, March 5, 2016

Blog of 3/5/16

1924: The Year That Made Hitler by Peter Ross Range

Prompt: Select a quote from your reading that you liked. What made you pick it? How
does it make you pause and think?
Pages read: 0-23

           So far throughout the book there have been many quotes that I've found very interesting. Many of them pertaining to Hitler. The book focuses mostly on Hitler's beginning years and how he became the terrifying Hitler. It's very interesting to see how Hitler started off his life and how he ended it. It's unbelievable, but what I find most interesting are the quotes from his close friends describing him. One of them is where Hitler was considered too weak to join the army and the other quote is where one of Hitler's friends is describing him after a speech he gave.

           In the book they start off talking about Hitler's beginning years. In his beginning years, he tried to join the army but to his surprise he was too weak to join. In the book it said, "The pallid and puny Adolf Hitler, future war maker and mass murderer, was pronounced 'too weak' to be a medic and 'unfit to handle weapons.'(P.16)" I found this quote very interesting. It made me pause for a little because the army was calling Hitler weak. The person who in a couple of years murdered thousands of people was called weak and unfit to handle weapons. I found that very unbelievable because who knew that, boy was going to be the master of death in a few years and the one who caused destruction all around the world. The person who caused suffering and torture to many. I was just impacted.

          Since the book begins by talking about Hitler's beginning years, it also talks about  Hitler's famous speeches and how he was such a powerful speaker. In the book it said,"'Herr Hitler is, if I may so, a born popular speaker.'(P.20)" I found this quote pretty interesting because it comes from one of Hitler's friends. He was describing Hitler as a natural talented speaker. I found it interesting because one of his friends was saying it, not knowing that because of those powerful speaker talent he was going to become the ruler of not only the Germany but also the Nazis. It's pretty incredible to learn how Hitler became Hitler and see how be began.

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