Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog of 10/27/14

Looking For Alaska
Prompt: Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you
Pages Read: 48-100

Me and the main character from my book, Look For Alaska, have a lot of differences. First of all the main character in my book is named Miles "Pudge" Halter. Some physical differences are that he is a male, tall, skinny, and he has blonde hair. Some other differences that me and Pudge have is that he likes to smoke, drink alcohol (even though he isn't 18 yet), remember people's last words and poetry. The two first ones are 2 huge differences because I would never try to smoke and also because I have never tried alcohol. Pudge is really good at memorizing famous people's last words but I have a really bad memory. He also likes to read poetry, but I am really bad at writing poetry and sometimes understanding what it means.

Some similarities that me and Pudge have are that we both like to read, over think stuff too much, and we both like to run. Pudge has read tons of books and has memorized tons of famous people/writers last words. That's one thing we have in common, we both like to read a lot. Both me and Pudge over think too much. When we have to make a decision we think about it for too much, instead of just going with the flow. Another thing we have in common is running. Pudge says he has long legs and strong lungs which make running easy and I just the running sport.

These are some of the similarities and differences that me and Miles "Pudge" Halter have. We have more differences than actual similarities. Looking For Alaska is an interesting book for what I have read so far. Most of the book has more direct characterization than indirect characterization. That how I mostly got all of the similarities and differences between me and Pudge.
I commented on Evie, Joseph G., and Emily's blog for this week.

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