Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradox and Dream Reflection

1)  Choose two paradoxes that speak to you and reflect

2) Reflections should be at least two paragraphs in length, should include a topic sentence, and include quotes to support your reasoning.

          "We trample friends, relatives, and strangers who get in the way of our achieving it." 

          This paradox means when we are trying to achieve something and a person gets in the way we push them away from us so that we can achieve what we want. Basically what it is saying is that we push away the people who get in our way. 

           I think most of us can relate to this paradox. Either we are the person pushing people away or we are the person getting pushed away. I can relate to this because when our friends are trying to achieve something and you're trying to support them but they push you away because they think you're just an obstacle in their path. This has happened to me before. I have also seen how people stop talking to other people just because they think that they're just putting them down or are just an obstacle.

         "We truly believe ourselves to be natural-born mechanics and do-it-yourself-ers." 

          This paradox means how people always think that they can do anything and that they know everything in the world. When in reality we don't know how to check a car, hunt, and most importantly work without technology.

          I think that all of us can relate to this paradox. I think that because mostly everyone thinks that we can do anything. I can relate to this because I used to think cooking was easy because all you had to was follow the recipe, it might seem easy but some foods are kind of messy and complicated to do. I've also seen a lot of this in little kids and adults. Little kids think that they are so strong that they can do anything, when in reality they can get hurt really bad. Adults think that they build anything without a looking at the instructions but they actually don't even know how to put the first parts together.

1 comment:

  1. I have also seen people stop talking to people because they think that it is getting in the way of what they want to accomplish. I agree on how we think we can do something, but in reality we most likely can't. Great job!
