Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog of 2/9/15

Ashes By Ilsa J. Bick
Prompt:  Draw 4 objects that represent your reading. Write a sentence for each, telling
what each item says about what you’ve been reading.

Pages Read: 52-150

          The 4 objects I picked to represent my reading are brain cancer, a forest, a pack of dogs, and survival kit. I chose a brain cancer because the main character is Ashes has brain cancer. The main character in the book is Alexandra (Alex) and she has brain cancer. She wanted to get away from all the medications and hospitals so she decided to go on a hike. Even though she has brain cancer she didn't really care and she wanted time for herself. The hike she took turned to be really shocking instead of calm and relaxing. In every turn she is facing life or death. 

          I picked a forest to represent my reading because the book takes place in a forest. Ashes takes place in a forest in Michigan near Superior Lake. All the events currently happening are in this forest. Most of the events are tragical and most are dreadful. In this forest Alex chose to take a 12 day hike trip. The hike takes 12 days total getting there and back. An unfortunate event happens which causes the 12 day hike trip to become even longer.

          The 3rd object I picked was a pack of wild dogs. I picked a pack of wild dogs because Alex and her companion Ellie get attacked by a pack of wild dogs. These dogs were released into the forest because their owners thought they would do better in the wild by themselves. Those dogs eventually came together and formed a pack. This pack of dogs go around the forest and attack people and Alex was one of them. 

          The 4th object I picked to represent my drawing is a survival kit. I picked a survival kit because when Alex was going to go on a hike she brought something close to a survival kit but thanks to Ellie she lost most of her supplies. Ellie has been very clumsy most of the book and she made Alex loose 3/4 of her food, water supply, gun, gear, and her pack. Alex lost all of this trying to save Ellie but Ellie doesn't care. Alex and Ellie are practically left with nothing. These are the 4 objects I picked to represent my reading. 

I commented on: Rebecca T, Justin R, and Giovanna G


  1. Dear Jared,
    I think that your article was really good. You had some typo's so next time I think that you should re-read your article out loud because maybe you would have been able to catch your mistakes then. In conclusion I believe that you had a nice article and I absolutely think I will be checking out this book. Next time you should have a closing paragraph that way you can let your readers off smother but in conclusion I really did like your article. :)

    1. Sorry I meant to say blog, seems like I even have my own typo's

  2. In the second paragraph you say the words "took place in the forest" quite a few time. A little repetition going on there. Other than that I think that the object fit the book nicely. Good work!

  3. I really like your blog because I think that you described each item well and they went with the book. I also liked how you wrote more than one sentence and gave a lot of detail. Great blog!

  4. Wow! You did a great job explaining the objects! I think that you chose good items based on your book. Next time I might do each paragraph under the object so there is no confusion about what you are talking about. You did really good so far though!
